Fight against Sexual -Violence - Trained 1,57,000 Women with NISHATRA (Self-Defense).

  • Raising powerful voice against Sexual-Violence- Performed over 700 Nukkad-Naatak (Street Play) and 225 Seminars. To create an engaging platform involving several institutions and organizations.
  • To Create Women Leadership.
  • Survivor Support- Rehabilitated more than 200 Sexual Violence Survivors including 5 Rape Victims
  • To bring to the fore the power of women in shaping the history – National Women’s Day and bring to the public domain the role of women in the national freedom struggle of India.
  • Economic self-sufficiency of Women – Skill development of more than 300 women
  • Research – Conducted different programmes for the honour and safety of women.
  • Intervention in COVID-19 crisis: Distributed Ration Kit & daily use items to about 20000 people.
  • Educational Support to poor Girls: We have been mobilizing people to extend financial support for education of poor girls.

Journey : The initiative of voice against sexual violence was started by Usha Vishwakarma, along with a group of 15 young women and girls. Most of them including Usha Vishwakarma are sexual violence survivors from lower strata of socioeconomic structure; based out of Madiyaon in Lucknow, they formed a group named Red Brigade Lucknow in 2011 to fight and raise the voice against sexual violence.

NISHASTRA - Fight Against Sexual Violence : The “NISHASTRA”( New Instrument against Sexual Harassment and Stand Against Rape Aggression) is a blend of learning’s of various techniques, incidences, situations & real experiences shared by sexual violence survivors of our group and self-defense techniques of many countries which specifically fits for self-defense against sexual violence, till date we have trained over 1,50,000 girls/women with NISHASTRA, 56,000 out of this was done under the CAVACH Mission of Uttar Pradesh Government and the rest across 7 States and almost 50 prestigious organizations to name a few like Many